- BC Connex has a zero-tolerance approach towards corruption.
- Promising / giving / receiving / authorizing of bribe is not allowed.
- Providing gifts and hospitality should be avoided if it may affect the outcome of a business activity.
Gifts generally refer to items of value given to or by employees. They can be consumer goods, branded items, discounts or cash. Common examples are a bottle of fine wine or a box of premium chocolates.Hospitality includes meals, beverages, and travel and accommodation expenses. Typical examples are business meals, client trips, site tours, cultural, sporting events and holidays.
- All transactions accounting shall be transparent, accurate and up to date.
- Coverage – All parties dealing with BC Connex shall comply to this policy.
BC Connex provides a platform for individuals to disclose any observed improprieties that involve BC Connex’s employees and/or business partners, without fear of reprisal.
All instances of whistleblowing will be independently reviewed and investigated by an Investigative Committee led by the MD.
Whistleblowers should report their concerns in good faith. The whistleblower’s identity and the concerns raised will be kept confidential, unless as required by the law to reveal to parties such as lawyers, the police or investigators.
If you encounter any instances of bribery, please email whistleblowing@bcconnex.com
To enable BC Connex to effectively investigate your concerns, the following information should be provided, where possible:
- Your contact information;
- Name(s) of person(s) involved;
- Your relationship with the reported person(s);
- Detailed description of the incident (including date, time, location, methods and action/ behaviour);
- Period of time the impropriety had been perpetuated;
- Physical evidence and any other information that may substantiate the incident.
We encourage whistleblowers to provide their names and contact numbers to facilitate investigations.
Thank you for reporting to us.