Learn more about Business Resiliency at our upcoming conference!
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Rebranded from the 13-year running Asia Business Continuity Conference (ABCC), Asia Risk & Resilience Conference (ARRC) is a premier regional networking and knowledge-sharing platform for industry representatives and professionals from around the world to further their knowledge and get to know the trends in Business Continuity Management, Emergency Management, Enterprise Risk Management, Resiliency and other related areas such as Crisis Management, Disaster Recovery, Terrorism, Cyber-Security and others. Our delegates come from Asian markets such as Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Taiwan, and many other countries.
Currently, the ARRC 2018 is co-organised by BCP Asia, the International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) and the Risk and Insurance Management Association of Singapore (RIMAS). This is the 3rd year that the ARRC is being held after the rebranding of the ABCC to ARRC in 2016.
This year’s conference theme is “Corporate Governance, Risk & Resilience; Planning in Action”. We aim to bring alive the resilience plans that we have spoken about in the past two years. We will be kicking off the conference activities with a week-long certification training (the CBCI Certification Training Course will also be one of the courses on offer). The 3-day conference will also consist of workshops, main conference and exhibitions. The agenda planned for all 3 days will aim to engage delegates on a more personal level with smaller workshops and break-out sessions in addition to the conference.